Chairman’s Newsletters to January 2021

Some of you have already been lucky enough to have your first vaccine. Some have actually had the 2nd!! The rest of us will hopefully have at least one by the end of March with everyone by the end of June!!!!???? We can live in hope!
The Club is obviously closed until further Notice. The government will let us know about any changes.
Everything is quiet regarding the Club. We are just keeping everything ticking over. Malcolm is in the office a couple of days a week.
Look out on the website for any recordings of shows or zooms by our members.
Best wishes for 2021.

Chaiman’s Newsletter and Information Update December 2020…

Dear Members,

We are nearly at the end of 2020 – Hooray!

Because of the latest Government restrictions the club is now in Tier Four and has had to close for the foreseeable future. Sadly, our proposed Christmas Lunches had to be cancelled. Rest assured we will re-open as soon as we are allowed and it is deemed safe to do so. Please keep checking in to the web site for updates. At last there is’ light at the end of the tunnel’ with a vaccine on the horizon.

I have tried to contact as many of you as I could on behalf of myself and the Committee, together with Barbara Daniels on behalf of the Benevolent Fund Trustees. We want to make sure you know we are here for you if you need us! Call if you need anything and you think we can help! I thank the Committee for their support in these trying times. We are coping with everything being thrown at us but the CAA will survive. We send our condolences to the loved ones of our members who have sadly passed away this year and also to our Members who have lost loved ones and friends this year. We are listing Members who have passed away during the crisis on the site – click on Final Curtain.

Those of you missing the wonderful CAA Ball, be assured that we have reserved dates for next year in February and March and will keep you informed as Government rules change. However, if you would like a refund of your payment for the postponed March 2020 date, please write to me at the club with your details. Otherwise your money is safe with us, ready for when we can hold the Ball in 2021.

It has been wonderful to see so many of you back at the Club during September and October. You say that we have been a lifeline for you to enjoy the company and camaraderie of your friends once again!

Regarding Membership subscriptions for 2021, the forms will be with you before Christmas and we are offering a reduction. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and so the Committee felt that we should help members at this difficult time and offer a reduced annual Subscription of 50% for those who need it. This will only apply for 2021. If you are in a position to be able to pay the full subscription as usual, then this financial contribution will greatly help the Club at this difficult time. Subscriptions for 2021 MUST be paid by 28th February 2021 which is also the deadline for the reduced payment. You can pay straight into a special account we have set up for subscriptions.

So, keep smiling! You are not alone – just pick up the phone for a chat with another member.

Please have as enjoyable Christmas as possible and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year – or should I say New Tier! Hoping for happy days to come!

Ho Ho Ho

Much Love from Kay, your Chairman and the Committee

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