Chairman’s Christmas Newsletter

We hope this year we can celebrate Christmas with our loved ones! Covid permitting!

We have enjoyed three fantastic Christmas parties with excellent festive food from our caterer Peter Cliffe and his team. Socially distanced Cabaret, dancing and Santa and his Elf! Hooray!

As you know, 2022 is our 125th anniversary, the club being formed in 1897. So organising special CELEBRATORY functions is well underway. 

The First function is Friday 14th January at 7.30pm. ‘Evening All’ A tribute to our past president who we owe so much to, Jack Warner, devised and written by Gerald Glover. Technical direction is by Richard Norman. Cost is £25 members (£27 guests) which includes light refreshments after the show. 

A CAA 125th Anniversary Fund Raising Event

FRIDAY 14th JANUARY at 7.30pm





Written by Gerald Glover

Technical Director Richard Norman

Donation £25 Members (£27 Guests)
includes light refreshments after the show

Celebrating the life and career of one of Britain’s best loved entertainers – Jack Warner.

Featuring movie clips from his many films – he was particularly proud of Carve Her Name With Pride (1950) – mingled with sound clips from his wireless and record career – Garrison Theatre on the BBC (Light Programme, of course!) and at the London Palladium (1940) – through to the film The Blue Lamp (1950) which was followed by his most famous incarnation, George Dixon……of Dock Green (1955-76).

To us at the CAA he is the Diamond Geezer who,   as our President, found our present premises. He persuaded J. Arthur Rank to be the guarantor for the mortgage we took out at the Midland Bank for 20 Bedford Street. Jack Warner was Rank’s biggest star at the time.

The first Monday night Club show of the New Year will be Monday 17th January. Simon Bashford is Social Secretary that evening presenting a ‘125 years Anniversary Show.’ West End Musicals through the ages performed by West End Musical Stars. Monday 24th January will be a ‘Member’s Night Show.’

A CAA 125th Anniversary Event

FRIDAY 28th JANUARY 7pm for 7.30pm



With a Piper, Dancing and Haggis!

£32 (£35 Guests) Includes Three Course Meal

The second CAA 125 Function on Friday 28th January is our traditional fun evening ‘BURNS NIGHT’ with piper and Haggis. Cost £32 Members (£35 guests) including the three course meal. This is followed by our Monday night show organised by Shannon Rewcroft as Social Secretary. 

The following Monday 7th February, Social Secretary David Power presents Star baritone Anthony Cable and Barry Stewart. Fun at the piano and in song with Laurence Payne as MD. On Monday 14th February Social Secretary Kay Carman presents a Valentine’s Night Show with Showbiz couple Vivienne McMaster a dancer and star vocalist with MD Sean Whittle from the Ritz.

A CAA 125th Anniversary Event

FRIDAY 25th FEBRUARY at 7.30pm


A Jazzy musical journey from 1920’s Ragtime through the ages to Miles Davis.

An award winning show performed by the acclaimed PAUL HIGGS QUARTET
£20 Members (£22 Guests)

On Monday 21st February we have no show as the hall is rented for a private function. Our next 125 show opens the Jazz Nights series with ‘A Brief History of Jazz.’ From 1920s Ragtime through the jazz ages to Miles Davis. This award winning show is performed by the acclaimed Paul Higgs Quartet. Cost £20 Members (£22 Guests)

PAYMENT FOR CLUB FUNCTIONS – IF POSSIBLE PLEASE PAY BY CARD OVER THE PHONE OR IN PERSON TO MALCOLM IN THE OFFICE. Cash and Cheques are still acceptable in person or by post but card payments by phone are preferable. Many Thanks.

Judith Quiney is overseeing the refurbishment of the office suites which will be completed soon together with complete internet update.



SUNDAY 13th MARCH at 5pm



Cabaret, Dancing & Dinner.



Venue: The Victory Services Club, Seymour Street, W2 2HF

Members £80 (Guests £85)


THE CAA 125 YEARS ANNIVERSARY BALL will be held on Sunday 13th March at the Victory Services Club, Seymour Street, W2 2HF. Please put the date in your diaries. 

Thank you to all who bought tickets for the postponed 2020 ball. Although the costs and price have increased for 2022, the CAA will make up the shortfall on all monies we have already received. If you haven’t yet booked, New Prices are Members £80 (Guests £85) Thank you.

Christmas in the CAA Bar

The Club bar looked like a welcoming Santa’s grotto during the run up to Christmas. Thank you Nick Robinson.

I hope you all have a happy holiday season. Closed from 5pm on Thursday 23rd December, the Club reopens, Covid restrictions permitting, at 12 noon on Wednesday 5th January 2020.

Finally, Thanks to the Committee and Malcolm and the Staff, also all of you Members for your support during these ‘trying’ times.

Love to you all.

Stay Safe

Kay x

A Message from Anita Dobson

Originally posted on the Home Page in August 2021

A personal message from our President Anita Dobson…

Anita Dobson CAA PresidentHi Gang, you wonderful members of our Fabulous Club. It has been a long hard time for us all since Covid struck and our lives were turned upside down. 
It’s now time for us to reclaim our world and try to embrace life again and that means gently and lovingly meeting our friends and loved ones in a safe way.
I have missed our get-togethers and am hoping to see you all in the not too distant future.  We have lost some members, but we will remember them and raise a glass in their memory.  Life is tough, but CAA members are made of strong stuff and the Club will survive. 
We will keep our traditions and love of life alive.  Showbusiness is the link that binds us and the Show must… and WILL  go on.
See you soon and stay strong and healthy till then, lotsa love your adoring President.
Anita  xxxxxx

Chairman’s Newsletter August 2021

Please note…a fuller version of this newsletter is available in the Private Member’s section. Please click on that section and register.

Dear Members,

Kay Carman

I hope you have survived the past long Covid months during lockdown. It has been a dreadful time for everyone and sadly we have lost many members since March 2020, not just through Covid but other illnesses as well! Please note that we will be having a special Tribute Evening at the Club on Monday 27th September from 7.30pm to share our memories of them. More later.

The Committee have agreed to fully open the Club from 1st September, Monday to Friday, 12 noon to last orders 11.10pm. Please note that we will only be taking card payments behind the bar for the foreseeable future. (Everything is still dependable on Government Guidelines.)

Monday night shows will be slightly different but will commence with a special ‘Welcome Back’ show on Monday 20th September at 8pm. Then, as mentioned, on Monday 27th September we will have a Tribute Evening to celebrate the lives and careers of all our members who have passed away during this Covid dominated period. If you would like to say a few words about anyone that evening, please contact me and I will give you a time slot. The evening will be interspersed with music that was relevant to these passed members.   A list of the deceased members is available in the Final Curtain section of the web site or at the office.

These first two Monday evenings may be well attended so you should book your seat in advance, either from myself on 07768 126994 or via Malcolm in the office. Also book with us if you require a meal in the hall beforehand, last orders on these two evenings will be 6.30pm. Booking is only required for these first two Mondays. Monday shows from October onwards will be as in the past.

From September 1st, Peter Cliffe, our new caterer is launching a new full menu served daily from 12 noon until 7pm. Please look at Backstage Bites on the site for details of this lovely menu.

Our ‘C’ Member, Frank Butler, is kindly taking over from Ron Wallace to organise the CAA Ex Serviceman’s Dinner on November 12th assisted by our ‘A’ Member Teddy Farnham. Look out for further details on the Club noticeboard and this web site.

Keep checking this website for immediate updates. The Committee have agreed to add a new performance or ‘gig ’guide to the site like we used to print in our old newsletters. We also now have a private ‘Member’s Only’ section on the web site. Please register. In time you will be able to pay your subs and book for events thought this Private Section. There is also a fuller version of this newsletter to view in the private section. So please complete the easy registration and password process. Just click on Member’s Only Area and go from there!

There are two Jazz Nights booked for the autumn. Friday 29th October: the wonderful Helen Theophanus Quintet present ‘The Look of Love,’ a celebration of the music of Burt Bacharach and his Latin American influences. On Friday 26th November a jazzy mix entitled ‘Basie to the Beatles and Beyond’ with the multi award winning Sarah Bolter Quintet. Ticket prices are £20 for members (£22 guests) which includes light refreshments.

We are arranging new ways to book and pay. At the club on Monday evenings and through the web site. We will also have new card facilities and will also accept old fashioned cheques and cash!

I am very optimistic for us! ‘Always look on the bright side of life!’

The CAA will be 125 years old in 2022. So let’s make it a truly CELEBRATORY YEAR!!

My Love and Thanks to you all,

Kay Carman (CAA Chair)

Chairman’s Newsletter March 2021

Dear Members,
At last some GOOD NEWS!
Kay Carman
The Committee are pleased to announce that the Club will re-open at 12 noon (Mondays to Fridays) on Monday May the 17th!!  So please put that date in your diaries. You will be advised of the daily closing times nearer that date. 
Certain restrictions will still be in place as we follow the Government ‘s guidelines. Things will slowly return to normal once members have received their vaccinations.
Our new Caterer Peter Cliffe, will be on hand with a food Menu for us. From June the 21st, when all restrictions are expected to be lifted, we will resume accepting Bookings for the Concert Hall. So please phone Malcolm in the Office if you wish to make a booking during the week or at weekends.
Sadly, we have lost quite a few members  during this awful time and our thoughts are with their families and friends. Once we are back to some sort of normality, we will have a Tribute Day to them all.
On a happier note, Malcolm, our Club Secretary and myself have spent days checking all of the application forms on the waiting list for New members. Contacting people by letter or phone.
The outcome is resulting in we hope, around 120 new members very soon! Another happy surprise awaiting you all when we return is that at last, the photographs are back up in the Bar. Hooray!!  Thank you Nick!
My full Newsletter will be sent out with the end of year Accounts next month.
So please keep smiling and stay POSITIVE!!! (Attitude.. not with Covid!) Brighter days are in sight!
Good wishes to you all from Kay, your Chairman and all of the Committee.

Chairman’s Newsletters to January 2021

Some of you have already been lucky enough to have your first vaccine. Some have actually had the 2nd!! The rest of us will hopefully have at least one by the end of March with everyone by the end of June!!!!???? We can live in hope!
The Club is obviously closed until further Notice. The government will let us know about any changes.
Everything is quiet regarding the Club. We are just keeping everything ticking over. Malcolm is in the office a couple of days a week.
Look out on the website for any recordings of shows or zooms by our members.
Best wishes for 2021.

Chaiman’s Newsletter and Information Update December 2020…

Dear Members,

We are nearly at the end of 2020 – Hooray!

Because of the latest Government restrictions the club is now in Tier Four and has had to close for the foreseeable future. Sadly, our proposed Christmas Lunches had to be cancelled. Rest assured we will re-open as soon as we are allowed and it is deemed safe to do so. Please keep checking in to the web site for updates. At last there is’ light at the end of the tunnel’ with a vaccine on the horizon.

I have tried to contact as many of you as I could on behalf of myself and the Committee, together with Barbara Daniels on behalf of the Benevolent Fund Trustees. We want to make sure you know we are here for you if you need us! Call if you need anything and you think we can help! I thank the Committee for their support in these trying times. We are coping with everything being thrown at us but the CAA will survive. We send our condolences to the loved ones of our members who have sadly passed away this year and also to our Members who have lost loved ones and friends this year. We are listing Members who have passed away during the crisis on the site – click on Final Curtain.

Those of you missing the wonderful CAA Ball, be assured that we have reserved dates for next year in February and March and will keep you informed as Government rules change. However, if you would like a refund of your payment for the postponed March 2020 date, please write to me at the club with your details. Otherwise your money is safe with us, ready for when we can hold the Ball in 2021.

It has been wonderful to see so many of you back at the Club during September and October. You say that we have been a lifeline for you to enjoy the company and camaraderie of your friends once again!

Regarding Membership subscriptions for 2021, the forms will be with you before Christmas and we are offering a reduction. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and so the Committee felt that we should help members at this difficult time and offer a reduced annual Subscription of 50% for those who need it. This will only apply for 2021. If you are in a position to be able to pay the full subscription as usual, then this financial contribution will greatly help the Club at this difficult time. Subscriptions for 2021 MUST be paid by 28th February 2021 which is also the deadline for the reduced payment. You can pay straight into a special account we have set up for subscriptions.

So, keep smiling! You are not alone – just pick up the phone for a chat with another member.

Please have as enjoyable Christmas as possible and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year – or should I say New Tier! Hoping for happy days to come!

Ho Ho Ho

Much Love from Kay, your Chairman and the Committee