Website Security Upgrade

updated 7th May 2024


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Ultimately my address saving precautions as advised proved unnecessary but, I make no excuse for being cautious. The way is now OPEN for exciting NEW services available directly from the CAA office through this website soon!


Although not affecting the website operation or security, post upgrade there are still a couple of unresolved issues. While the office@ email mailbox is clearly working perfectly (Chris Hare and I have QUADRUPLE checked it with Malcolm!) A new mailbox I setup for the upgrade suddenly failed afterwards as did also the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) I use to backup the website regularly.

The NS (Name Servers) ARE now reporting as fully propagated as of last Thursday so I shall be working with my data centre/service provider to wrap up these loose ends  tomorrow Monday 9/10/23.

Meanwhile and as expected readers will see that website loading times are significantly slower! This is a direct result of the data encryption and that the website now relays through a third party’s SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certification server too! 

Slow load speeds impact on search engine ranking SO over time it is essential that I optimize ALL future pages PLUS all top level pages, especially the home page! For this reason and in anticipation, some while back I created a fast link in the main menu to “Latest News.” 

Website editor Chris Hare and I have been in discussion for months now in preparation for this event and as anticipated this website’s home page will serve more strictly with it’s actual purpose as a HUB with links to relevant content on other pages. 

On the home page there will ALWAYS be a link to NEW content in “Latest News,” “Notices” & new content in the “Members Only Area.” BUT, the latter for members only WILL NOT appear in the “Recent Articles & Notices” box despite being linked from the home page. Members should still visit the home page 1st.


2024.05.07 Tech Update… FTP Access was restored late in 2023 using the direct DNS address and works just fine again! It is assumed that prior to my engagement in 2017 a currently unknown IT specialist setup the office email account to also work directly with the domain DNS? Investigations continue …

Paul Scudder (site admin) 

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